When you arrive in the center, you will see a long street called Turgut Ozal Street that offers many outlets for antique and modern carpets and textiles, gifts shops, restaurants etc. It is possible to find all your needs in this street. Famous supermarkets Tansas, Migros and Bim – have branches in Gocek town, in addition to many smaller family-run markets that a everything that you will need for either yacht provisioning or self-catering. While you are walking along the main street to the seafront, you will see smart, plain, quiet, restaurants, fish restaurants, cafes and pubs, all playing good international and local music. However, you should also walk inland a little to see the restaurants and bars hiding in wonderful green gardens, surrounded by colorful flowers.
You will find the atmosphere dizzy with the flower aromas, your cocktail and the unusual high oxygen levels, which we know you don’t normally breathe. You can easily find a good restaurant for a local or international breakfast, lunch and dinner. Gocek mostly caters for yachtsmen and women; consequently there is very little nightlife in the town, apart from one or two very pleasant bars and a music/dance bar. As sailors generally wake early, sail during the day, and sleep early, the most active time in Gocek is between 19:00 and 22:00 hrs, during which time the many bars and restaurants are buzzing with clients. As is usual in most seaside towns there is a delightful esplanade along which you can see and be seen.